Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Combating Council

Our land is located in a new estate. However, our block is the first block that opens into the new area of land release. That means we currently have one established neighbour (The house has been there at least 5 years). One of the reasons we chose this block was because there was already that house there. We knew at least one neighbour and house. The land next to us and behind is owned but yet to be built on. Our estate guidelines (one of the many) stipulates that we must build with a setback no less that 4.5m and no greater than 6m. This is great for us as the closer to the front we can build the more backyard space we would have. We never really thought about the established property as they were part of a different land release to us and therefore had a different set of guidelines. Yes, amateurs again! We have a good friends in the building industry who have been amazing informing us on the 'know', they have also been excellent at answering silly questions!! One day we were standing on the block mapping out designs and how they would fit. It was a 'light bulb moment!' I wonder if we need to think about the neighbours set back when we do ours.......... We were quickly informed that YES we would. So we headed to the block and measured it, we knew it wasn't going to be pretty and it wasn't. Their set back was 9m..........................arhhhhhhhhhhh. We were shattered. Couldn't believe it. We didn't even think the house would fit on the block if we had to match this. It was tricky as our guidelines were 4.5-6m and this was over that. Our friends explained that we could apply to council for a fee to have our plans looked at, considered and (hopefully) approved.

Once our plans went to tender and we were able to see the drawings of our house on the block with all the measurements the 4.5m set back didn't look dramatic compared to 9m. Our block is on a slight angle at the front and the 4.5m is taken from the portico. Our garage, which sits next door to the 9m neighbours, is at 7m. So all in all we are hoping that we do get approved. From the street our house will be slightly more forward but not dramatically and it will fit in with the houses that have currently been built in the new release. We have met our new neighbours a few times and they are lovely. We had a chat to them about the possibility and they had no problems with it either. So now we wait. The plans as I speak will be sent through by Carlisle and we wait, wait, wait. We are really undecided what to do if we have to have the 9m setback. We might be better off waiting till the block on our other side builds and then we have a set back that's an average of the two - that could be years though and is that even a possibility? We really don't want to end up with no yard. So the waiting game begins, fingers crossed.

Site plan with setback measurements, including neighbours

1 comment:

  1. Hi, fantastic blog, I've enjoyed following your build journey. We are also about to embark on a build with Carlisle. Out of interest, how many days did you get quoted to completion? We got 280 in our contract, seems a bit long.
