Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Our Land

Originally we had plans to renovate areas of our old house to modernise the kitchen, bathrooms and outdoor area. We never considered the idea of moving house, though we enjoyed searching through the local real estate options every week. When the time came closer to locking in a draftsman or architect and getting quotes from builders to make the changes we had planned we started to question the decisions we were making. We loved the house; it was our forever home. We had lived there for 11 years and loved the area, neighborhood and never really saw ourselves living anywhere else. The more serious we got about it the more we started to think about what we really wanted. Were we over capitalizing on the changes we would make? Did we really want to live in the one house for all our life? If we are going to move, should we do it before the girls start school? If we could live anywhere, where would we want to live? Do we want to change houses or suburbs? So overwhelming! We finally decided that if we renovated we would probably never get the money back on the house if we ever sold and we would therefore stay there forever - we would have been 100% happy with that decision had we chosen that. However, life was meant to be lived. So, we stepped out of our comfort zone and talked ourselves into starting a new adventure!!! Through our weekly search of real estate, we had always looked at the same location. Never really thinking we could live there, it was more a glimmer of hope than anything serious. Some houses appealed to us but nothing was ever quite what we were after. If we were going to move from an amazing home, we had to be moving into something even better. Then one Saturday night at about 11pm we saw a block of land for sale. Why don't we build? We have NEVER even thought of this as an option!! So the next day we looked at the land, the following week secured it. The land was ours! We thought if we changed our mind in a few months time we could always sell it, but that was never going to happen. The rest is history!

Our block is 663m2, has an 18m frontage and is approx 37m in length. It has a North facing yard and has an elevation towards the back. We didn't think too much about this when we purchased it (amateurs!). To the eye it only appeared to be about half to one metre.

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